Building on New Foundation

Written by: Bob Schindler

The great preacher, Charles Spurgeon,  once said:

“I plead this day for those who cannot plead for themselves, namely, the great outlying masses of the heathen world.  Our existing pulpits are tolerably well supplied, but we need men who will build on new foundations.  Who will do this?”

Do you hear what he is saying?  (If you are like me, you may need to reread what he said to get it.)  He is pleading for men and women who will go beyond the people who are currently attending church and build on what Spurgeon calls “new foundations.”  In other words, these men and women will take the gospel beyond the walls of the existing church.

Sports is a great tool to do that very thing.  Sports can bridge the gap between the local church and the people of her communities.  Sports can be the bridge to connect believers and non-believers and provide the context for significant spiritual conversations around the issues of life and the gospel.

Like Spurgeon, will you plead with God to send out workers into His harvest through the tool of sports, to raise up men and that “will build on new foundations” through sports?  Will you even look for new ways to use sports to be such a bridge and be one of these “new foundations” builders?