Written by: Aubrey Coleman
CEDE SPORTS is privileged to partner with Connection Pointe Christian Church in Brownsburg, Indiana. Their Fitness Director, Christie Wickline, recently told us about a man named Josh and his incredible story of redemption. Struggling from a broken engagement and an alcohol addiction, he had truly come to the end of himself.
Searching for help, he got involved in Fitness Bootcamp where he got connected to a Care Pastor from the church. The pastor suggested several steps to help Josh with his situation including attending AA and starting counseling. Josh bravely took each of those steps and continued to listen to sermons, all to help him work through the challenges he faced. Eventually, Josh gave his life to Christ. While attending Boot Camp and taking in the encouragement and community, Josh decided he wanted to be baptized.
Although anxious about being in front of everyone, he stepped out of his comfort zone to declare his new life in Jesus in August of last year. It’s been a long journey for Josh. However, God has done a great work, placing the right people in his life to encourage him, point him to Jesus, and help him overcome battles. He continues to grow into who God has called him to be. What a testimony of God’s grace!