History of REACH: CEDE SPORTS Involvement

Written by Jenny Young

In 2013, the three Foundational Partners of REACH – CEDE, CSRM, and UW Sports Ministry – sensed God’s call to come together in collaboration to serve sports, rec, and fitness ministers in local churches and inspire, affirm, connect, and equip them to further this movement.  They knew there would be obstacles and challenges to such a venture, but believed that gathering sports, rec and fitness ministers could be used by God to bring about such an impact.  From the beginning, they felt led to begin something that was so much more than a conference but was a part of this movement - a movement where theology, philosophy and methodology would spread by the power of the Holy Spirit toward the redemption of people and sports, rec and fitness.  

First of all, REACH is not the movement.  REACH is part of a movement. This is important.  We are just a part of what God is doing.  He is the Author of this movement.  We desire to cooperate with His efforts.  

This movement is made of a certain people - Sports, Rec, & Fitness (SR&F) leaders in local churches. REACH desires to catalyze the movement of God in their becoming more gospel-centered and more reproductive of disciple-makers.  At REACH, we inspire, we affirm, we equip and we connect SR&F leaders toward this end.  The Foundational Partners set the sails and then look to the Spirit to provide the wind.

The first REACH was in 2014 at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill, SC. Since then, local churches have been added to the Foundational Partners. In 2019,  Work Teams were added to the Leadership from the participants who would lead the gathering in planning and implementation to where there are now over 30 people involved in the leadership of REACH. 

At REACH, there are typically two main sessions and a wide variety of track sessions designed to affirm, inspire, and equip these leaders. There is also “Wrestling at REACH”  where a current issue in sports, rec, and fitness is brought up and “wrestled” with through panel presenters, table discussions, and audience participation.  Finally, at REACH, there are lots of activities to connect these leaders with each other.  

This is why the Foundational Partners think of REACH as more than a conference.  It is a chance to be with Jesus and to be with teammates. Teammates doing sports, rec, and fitness in local churches.  Teammates who are a part of a team, looking to Jesus and then to each other - for inspiration, affirmation, equipping and connecting - so that they may each play their part in the movement Jesus is authoring in the world today.

God continues to blow wind in the lives of men and women SR&F leaders through being part of this movement. 

REACH will be happening for the 8th year next week - March 28-29 in Houston, TX. CEDE SPORTS will be there as a Foundational Partner and Sponsor. To learn more about this year’s REACH you can go here - https://www.reachgathering.org 

What others are saying about REACH:

"The REACHgatherings are a time to connect with others around the globe who have similar passions to use the platform of sport to reach the world for Christ! It is a time to learn, a time to share resources, a time to be refreshed spiritually and emotionally. I always leave with great ideas, energized by being with old friends in ministry and excited to have a handful of new friends to add to my network of fellow sports ministers." 

Vickie Byler, REACH Participant 

“REACH is about being a part of a movement using SR&F ministry to point people on a journey with Jesus..being encouraged, equipped, inspired and locking arms with brothers and sisters in Christ who are facing the same challenges and celebrating the same joys in sports and recreation ministry." 

Chris Phillips, Past REACH Participant