The Ultimate Question - Resource Page

The Ultimate Question Trailer

In this video, Bob Schindler asks coaches “Why are you coaching?” and outlines many of the typical answers. He gives the one compelling answer to the ultimate question that integrates all of what coaches do. The Ultimate Question is great for coaches training or for embedding on your website for coaches to watch when they can.

Explaining The Ultimate Question Further

The Why 

  • Our motivation for coaching is the most important question we can ask ourselves.

  • Our motivation for coaching will determine how we coach and how we react to winning and losing 

  • Most have never evaluated why they would consider coaching. Is it for my child? Is it because there is a need? Is it for the love of the game? Is it just for the fun of it? 

The What:

  • The Ultimate Question video is great for coaches training or for embedding on your website for coaches to watch when they can. 

  • This resource is a proven tool to help you understand their motivation for coaching.

  • Having everyone in the ministry watch this video provides a “shared vocabulary.” It provides the groundwork for unity of purpose and bypasses many “train-wrecks” of mixed motives.

The How:

  • Watch the video first with the aid of our handout linked below and digest what impact the content has on you personally. 

  • Share it with someone you trust and get their feedback.

  • Gather your leadership team and have them view and discuss the ramifications of this content.

  • Make it available in advance for your next development coaches meeting and have them discuss the discussion questions on the handout.

  • To access the free resources mentioned here you will need to register on our Church Directory. 

  • Register on our directory to get free access to all our Sports Outreach Ministry resources  



Consider becoming a partner church and working with a CEDE Sports mentor, click here for more info or contact: Ken Cross (980) 333-1670, Jeff Fox (704) 941-8397 or Bob Schindler (704) 806-0559)