Three Key Components for Coach Development

By: Bob Schindler

We talk with sports ministers about developing coaches about as often as Stephen Curry looks good shooting a jump shot! 


Maybe that is because the success of sports ministries that have leagues rests on the shoulders of those coaches. They are the “players” in the game of “sports ministry.”  (We don’t consider this vital ministry in any way a game, but, to understand the role of coaches, we use this metaphor.)  Since most sports ministers don’t have the luxury of only having “first-round draft picks” on their team, they know they need to develop these coaches.

This is the other reason so much discussion goes on here.  They are looking for help.  Most of the sports ministers we talk with are frustrated with their efforts to develop coaches.  They don’t think what they are doing is that effective or wrestle with the lack of participation from their coaches.

Step By Step

One of the ways we help alleviate that frustration is to get sports ministers to think about three key components when it comes to developing coaches.  They are:

–       Vision

–       Curriculum

–       Structure

Vision is what you want those coaches to become.  You could encapsulate that vision by asking the question, “What would an ideal coach know, be able to do, and be?” Or “What is the knowledge, skill and character of the ideal coach?”

Curriculum is the content God uses to move your coaches toward this vision.  This material comes in a variety of formats and is what your coaches need to grow from where they are now into these ideal coaches.

Structure is the delivery mechanism for your coaches to interact with this curriculum.  It should include various activities along the thought that you

  Teach to Knowledge       Train to Skill                Mentor to Character

God has used us to help sports ministries develop this vision, curriculum and structure and change the atmosphere of coach development from frustration to fulfillment.

If that is something we can help you with, contact us at