Top 11 Mistakes Sports Ministers Make–Part 2

Written by Ken Cross

For 20 years plus CEDE SPORTS has been committed to come alongside local churches to catalyze a vigorous and effective pursuit of their mission to reach their communities through the tool of sports, recreation and fitness. One of the ways we accomplish this mission is mentoring sports ministers. 

In the process of mentoring, we often discuss best practices from other churches as well as the corollary mistakes that well meaning Sports Ministers make. This discussion also usually includes surveying them about their mistakes in ministry. 

The response has been tremendous; evidently this question touched a nerve. This blog is our second installment in the series Top 11 Mistakes Sports Ministers Make (Please be sure to read the first installment by clicking here).

Mistake #8

Forget about creating a leadership team, it is far too difficult. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.

No doubt you have heard the saying, “If you want to go fast – go alone, if you want to go far – go with others”. That applies to the Sports Ministry, too. Have you thought of what will happen when you are no longer on the scene and you have not equipped anyone to carry on with this vital ministry? 


Mistake #7

Being so busy that you are not utilizing the relationships that are built naturally through sports for true discipleship off the field/court.

I read a book once by Bill Hull about the discipleship making pastor. He bluntly says if the church is not making disciples, the leadership of the church is in sin! The sin is not obeying the Great Commission (Matt. 28:16-20).


Mistake #6

Not communicating to the larger church body and staff how God is using the ministry and being surprised when they do not value it!

As a former large church pastor, former staff member, church planter, youth pastor, deacon and janitor – I got the most praise for being a church janitor because people noticed the clean floors, toilets etc. The story of sports ministry (usually the best evangelistic tool in the church if done well) must be told, especially to the entire staff. The Senior Pastor needs the stories of what God does to highlight God’s work! The Children’s Minister needs to know and notice that many unbelieving children are on the campus of the church other days besides Sunday. The value of relational ministry and the discipleship that happens must be communicated over and over. This requires that more than just you are noticing what God is doing!


Mistake #5

Using the same volunteers each season and burning them out. Then guilting/manipulating them into keep going, until they are bitter and angry and have to quit or leave the church to get a rest.  

This one needs no comments except AMEN and from some of us we need to respond with “Oh Me!”

Can you guess the top four mistakes? Keep a look out for the last blog in this series.