Was There Competition in the Garden?

This is a very important question for every sports minister and athlete to ask.

If competition only came after the Fall in Genesis 3, then as followers of Christ we should move people out of competition and sports rather than into them.  Jesus Christ came to overcome all of the corruption from the Fall.  If competition is a part of this corruption, then, in our work as fellow laborers with Christ to build the kingdom of God, we should work to eliminate, not encourage competition.  However, if there was competition in the Garden, then the Fall didn’t bring competition into existence, it only corrupted it.   Our work would then be to overcome the corruption and restore competition to the original design, not to eliminate it.

To answer the question, we need first to define what we are looking for in the Garden.  The word competition comes from the Latin word competere, which means to seek or strive together.  In our culture, we typically think of competition as striving against.  In our search, we will look for the first idea – striving together.

I find at least two places in Genesis 1 & 2 where this striving together, this competition takes place.  The first comes in Genesis 1:28 where God says to Adam & Eve, “Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it.  Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”  These verses have been referred to as the Cultural or Dominion Mandate.

Have you ever asked, “What was to subdue if the world was perfect?”  While there was no sin, that doesn’t mean the world was complete.  It was raw, wild and chaotic outside the Garden.  No music, no art, no inventions yet.  Just raw material.  Adam and Eve were to subdue this rawness, this chaos.  To exercise dominion meant that they were to “manage whatever facets of creation God places before them….The Great King has summoned us (them and) each of us into his throne room.  ‘Take this portion of my kingdom,’ he says.  ‘Put your heart into mastering this part of the world.  Get it in order, unearth its treasures; do all you can with it.’”[1] From the Garden and into the chaotic world around it, Adam & Eve were to bring order from chaos, a non-conforming world to conformity to God’s purposes, and treasures from the raw material in creation – including themselves.

Notice, this command was given to both of them.  They were to unearth treasures together just as they were to multiply together.  This required cooperation, a striving together toward this end.  Here we see competition.  As they strived together, each one brought out more of the image of God in them.

I can imagine one day Adam says, “Eve, would you toss me an orange.”  Now Eve had never tossed before but she picks up the orange, reflects for a moment and throws it.  It is a little high and Adam has to jump up from his seat to catch it.  He has never jumped but reflexively does so.  “Hey that was fun.  Do it again only higher,” Adam says.  Eve picks up another oranges, thinks for a moment and throws it higher.  Adam has to really jump but stretches out and catches it.  On and on it goes with lots of laughter.

Do you see what is happening there?  More of the “treasure” within them is being unearthed.  Adam’s ability to jump and Eve’s ability to calculate angle, velocity, distance for a perfect throw are coming out.  Can you sense the joy?  The fun?  Can you taste this original game?  And in the process, God is glorified.  His image, Adam & Eve, are showing off more and more of the “glory” given them.

You may respond, “But that isn’t there in Genesis.  There is no tossing, no “original corn-hole game”.  It doesn’t say there is but I can’t help but think this happened because of the second place I find competition in Genesis 1 & 2.

Genesis 1:26, 27 says, “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’ So God created man in his own image, in the image of God, he created him; male and female he created them.”  God is speaking to someone here.  Who is it?  Whoever it is shares creative power (us make) and image (our image). It doesn’t say, “Let us make man in my image.” or “Let me make man in our image.” There is an “US”.  But then it says, “So God created.”  Not “they created”.  A ONE.  An US and a ONE.  Seems confusing.

Most of us, because of our background, immediately explain, “Well that is the Trinity.  One but three.  The Father is talking to the Son and the Spirit.”  We need to remember that this idea of the Trinity or the Godhead was veiled in the Old Testament.  It is there but hard to see.  The coming of the Son lifted the veil.  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning….The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.  We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”  (John 1:1,2, 14)

Yet much of the wrestling with Christianity has come over this issue of the deity of Christ and understanding of the Godhead, this Trinity.  How can one be three?  Without a hierarchy?  Equal but distinct?  How do they relate to each other?  We wrestle with this great mystery to this day.

In the second and third century, the early Church Fathers looked to explain this mystery.  They came up with the word perichoresis to describe the dynamic between the Godhead.  Perichoresis means to dance around.  “”Each of the divine persons centers on the others.  None demands that the others revolve around him.  Each voluntarily circles the other two, pouring love, delight and adoration into them.  Each person of the Trinity loves, adores, defers to, and rejoices in the others.  That creates a dynamic, pulsating dance of joy and love.” [2]

The Godhead dancing.  Ever thought about that?  C.S Lewis adds, “In Christianity God is not an impersonal thing nor a static thing – not even just a person – but a dynamic pulsating activity, a life, a kind of drama, almost, if you will not think me irreverent, a kind of dance.”  [3]

For us dance is choreographed movement typically to music.  Play is choreographed movement without music.   Could we even think of this as THE ORIGINAL TEAM, the Godhead, playing?  Creation was the result of the Godhead dancing, may we say even playing!

If Adam and Eve were made in this image, would play have been a part of their lives?  Absolutely!!!!

Lewis asks, “And, now, what does it all matter?  It matters more than anything else in the world.  The whole dance, or drama, or pattern of this three-Personal life is to be played out in each one of us: or (putting it the other way around) each one of us has got to enter that pattern, take his place in the dance.”[4]

Look around us and, without a doubt we are a long way from that original dance, that original play.  But if we don’t have this picture clear in our mind, if we don’t taste of this joy and fun, and the glory it gives to God, then when we attempt to take our place in the dance and ask,  “What does Christian competition look like?”, we find that it is like trying to restore a pile of metal into a ’57 Chevy , but we have never seen one!  We would be lost and confused.

To clear up the confusion, we need that picture.  We need to study it, to think about it, to envision it, to feel something of what it was like.  We need to “get back to the Garden.”

[1] Richard Pratt, Designed for Dignity, p. 34, 35.

[2] Timothy Keller, The Reason for God (Penguin Group, 2008), p 215.

[3] C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (Simon & Schuster, 1980), p. 152.

[4] Ibid

SPORT LIFE FAITH Podcast Interview with Bob Dyar and Bob Schindler: Networking and Reflecting on Sports Ministry

Bob Dyar and Bob Schindler, CEO and COO of CEDE Sports joined the Sport Life Faith Podcast to share about new networking apps and a helpful book resource. Both will change the way you think about God and sports!

“Bob Dyar and Bob Schindler have formed an amazing partnership. Both are men of God who love people and know how to use the universal language of sport to point people to Jesus and toward engagement with their local churches. We talk with both Bobs about CEDE Sports, a sports chaplaincy organization and network now on five continents and in more than 100 countries. Information about CEDE sports can be found at CEDEsports.org and the CEDE sports app can be found by searching for the CEDE sports on the app store.”

–Sport Life Faith Podcast Episode Summary

. Click here to listen to the podcast episode. Click here to read about the companion blog post.

The Ultimate Question - Resource Page

The Ultimate Question Trailer

In this video, Bob Schindler asks coaches “Why are you coaching?” and outlines many of the typical answers. He gives the one compelling answer to the ultimate question that integrates all of what coaches do. The Ultimate Question is great for coaches training or for embedding on your website for coaches to watch when they can.

Explaining The Ultimate Question Further

The Why 

  • Our motivation for coaching is the most important question we can ask ourselves.

  • Our motivation for coaching will determine how we coach and how we react to winning and losing 

  • Most have never evaluated why they would consider coaching. Is it for my child? Is it because there is a need? Is it for the love of the game? Is it just for the fun of it? 

The What:

  • The Ultimate Question video is great for coaches training or for embedding on your website for coaches to watch when they can. 

  • This resource is a proven tool to help you understand their motivation for coaching.

  • Having everyone in the ministry watch this video provides a “shared vocabulary.” It provides the groundwork for unity of purpose and bypasses many “train-wrecks” of mixed motives.

The How:

  • Watch the video first with the aid of our handout linked below and digest what impact the content has on you personally. 

  • Share it with someone you trust and get their feedback.

  • Gather your leadership team and have them view and discuss the ramifications of this content.

  • Make it available in advance for your next development coaches meeting and have them discuss the discussion questions on the handout.

  • To access the free resources mentioned here you will need to register on our Church Directory. 

  • Register on our directory to get free access to all our Sports Outreach Ministry resources  



Consider becoming a partner church and working with a CEDE Sports mentor, click here for more info or contact: Ken Cross (980) 333-1670, Jeff Fox (704) 941-8397 or Bob Schindler (704) 806-0559)

The Importance of Small Acts of Faithfulness

By: Jenny Young

Over the last several months, I have been challenged by this idea of the small unseen places in life and ministry. I believe our society unfortunately counts big things for the best things, not valuing that small things are needed, too. In the small moments, there is opportunity for growth and ways to cultivate fruitfulness. Work is happening there in the unseen. It's often in the small unseen ways that true real growth happens and sometimes that's hard to grab ahold of knowing that the big transformational things are often celebrated. As we know, Jesus worked in the small and unseen places. I continue to believe God is working in small ways - good things, sometimes hard things, yet worthwhile. 

We can grow and lead from examples from the life and ministry of Jesus in small ways. 

We are going to look briefly at one parable where the little things that are small in nature yet bring forth growing and significant impact. This will help us understand more of this upside-down Kingdom where things small and insignificant in our eyes are actually the things that God uses to accomplish great and growing things. The parable we are going to look at is The Mustard Seed found in Matthew 13:31-32. 

“He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.”

A few initial observations:

  • One of the shortest parables of Jesus.

  • Jesus compares the small size of the mustard seed to the Kingdom of God 

  • A Mustard seed is the smallest of seeds

  • When it is planted, it not only grows, it grows with the massive capacity for growth to become the largest of all trees.

God’s kingdom starts small. It has humble beginnings. I am sure most people didn’t give the disciples a second glance. The parable of the mustard seed teaches us that God's kingdom starts small but will grow amazingly large compared to its beginnings.

Sometimes we have no idea what God is doing right now. We are to have a mustard seed of faith and obedience. We may come to the place of feeling small, insignificant, down, confused, worried, lonely, unloved, or out of place. When we come to where Jesus is, we come to the right place – He seeks us and reminds us He is the source of all hope – He notices us – He grows us – He leads from the small places. 

So here are two questions for you to consider today?

  • What activities are you currently involved in that feel small and seemingly insignificant? How do the truths of this teaching encourage you or challenge you to think differently about those things?

  • Where may God be challenging you to have a “mustard seed” like faith? 

Being faithful in small things doesn’t come naturally to many of us. But don’t lose heart in the small things of life or ministry size. God is with you in those places. We can take small steps of faithfulness with daily habits of the heart, solitude, scripture reading, confession, prayer, and listening in obedience to God. The small unseen places and things matter!

Confusion About Competition for the Glory of God

Written by Bob Schindler, COO of CEDE Sports

“Way to go, Coach. Way to teach your players to play dirty!” the frustrated parent from the opposing team blurted out and then walked away. “I hope at least one of your players gets saved this season!” he added as he left. This situation illustrates the confusion in the Church about what it means to play a sport for the glory of God.

This type of interaction is not that unusual, particularly around basketball season, until you understand something about the coach and the parent involved. The Leader of this Sports Ministry thinks the coach really “gets it” – focusing heavily on ministry but not to the exclusion of athletic development. “His players don’t play dirty. They just play hard,” the leader told me.

The frustrated Parent actually leads a para-church Sports Ministry. He had a very different view about what Christ-like athletes look like.But where do people turn to clear up this confusion?

There seems to be few voices out there that speak practically to this issue, and in the void, the Church ends up confused.  Some Christians have this idea that to play for the glory of God is to play “nice”.  Others think that playing for the glory of God means to point to the sky when you score or do something else good.  Still others think that it means to play hard.

At CEDE Sports, we think it is extremely important for the Church to speak into this confusion and clear the fog.  We think it is important for the Church to make a biblical case for redeemed sports and exactly what it means to coach, play or spectate for the glory of God.  As such, the responsibility to equip the Church to do so lies squarely on the shoulders of those who lead Sports Ministries.

With that in mind, I want to ask some questions:

– How do you handle issues like the one mentioned at the beginning of this article – with clarity or confusion?

– Are you acquainted with the voices out in society that speak to this issue – either Christian or secular?

– Do you have in mind a clear explanation of what it means to play “for the glory of God”?

– Have you ever studied this topic or topics related to it?

If you find yourself also confused or overwhelmed, looking for help to sort through this confusion, consider watching these video clips from the series For the Love of the Game by CEDE Sports:

For the Love of the Game (Part 1)

For the Love of the Game (Part 2)

For the Love of the Game (Part 3)

Infographic: What is Gospel-Centered Sports Ministry?

At CEDE Sports, we think one aspect of our calling as a ministry is to spur on gospel centricity in sports ministries within the local church. If you’d like to learn more about being gospel-centered, check out the following link: https://www.cedesports.org/churches-blog/being-gospel-centered

Below is an infographic we have developed to visualize what we mean when we say “GOSPEL-CENTERED SPORTS MINISTRY.

To further explain:

Bridges Connect: A bridge connects two things that are separated in some way. As a universal language, sports allow us to cross all barriers and connect with people regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs, and more. When we, as believers, use sports as a bridge, the unconverted have an arena of regular observation to cast down the stereotypes they hold about us Christians. By letting them to get close to us, the unconverted find we are actually like them in many ways.

Laboratories Reveal: A laboratory is a place where you conduct experiments, observe, and analyze in a safe and controlled environment. Sports are heralded for the opportunity they provide to build character in a “life laboratory.” Research over the last 20 years validates this truth. But there is a problem. That same research shows the experiments being run in this “life laboratory” are producing the wrong kind of character. 

At CEDE Sports, we believe the perfect place for us to show the unconverted how we are unlike them is through sports. When we tear down the idol of sports in our hearts, when we play for the glory of God rather than our glory, when we make it our goal to show God off in the way we play, the unconverted will see something very different from themselves and begin to transform their thinking. This difference goes far beyond outer behavior like pointing to the sky when something good happens. It comes from deep within the heart of a redeemed person who understands how to exemplify his redemption through the way he plays, coaches and spectates sports. 

CEDE Sports teaches sports ministries in local churches what it means to be Gospel-Centered and how to effectively use the tool of sports as a bridge (like) for the redemption of people and as a laboratory (unlike) for the redemption of sports. It is our joy to work with local churches toward this end.

How God Changed My Life Through Sports Ministry

By: Aubrey Coleman

As a freshman in college, I had little interest in anything spiritual. College felt like an opportunity to break away from my churched upbringing and live a different way. I avoided church on Sundays and ignored campus signs pointing to the current ministry events. Instead, I spent my time focused on studying for school, going out to the bars with my roommates, and playing intramural flag football with some girls from my dorm. While I was purposely positioning myself away from God and anything related to Him… He came and found me, instead.

I got to know the girls on my flag football team pretty well over the semester and after our games and practices ended, we would usually grab a meal together. As the season neared an end, I remember some of the girls on my team beginning to ask deeper questions like, "So, what are your religious beliefs?", "Have you ever been to church?", or sometimes even bluntly, "What do you believe about God?" I would typically answer generally and vaguely to not offend anyone, but also to avoid committing to beliefs I still was not sure about. Though the questions felt intense at times, I genuinely enjoyed my friendships with the girls and even continued to hang out with them after the season ended.

One day, a girl named Lindsey who I'd become close with from the team invited me to breakfast and asked if she could share what she had been reading in the Bible with me. I reluctantly agreed and joined her. She opened up and shared about her upbringing and how she became a Christian. She then opened up her Bible and read Romans 6:23 which says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Next, she pulled out a napkin and began to interpret the passage by drawing out a diagram showing how our sin separates us from God, but because of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, we are offered the gift of salvation, for our sin to be paid for in order to bring us near to God forever. I remember thinking I was hearing something brand new. I was in Sunday school and church every morning growing up and yet, this news struck me differently this time. "This is the gospel," she said as she smiled, "what do you think about it?" I didn't really know what to say, but I knew I wanted to learn more so, I asked if we could keep reading the Bible together.

Weeks passed and every time I opened up God's Word it hit me like a fresh breeze. I was seeing and savoring God in a way I had never known. I was realizing that life with God is all about knowing Him and not simply just claiming to be associated with Him. The greatest thing that held me back was the question of my past. I believed I had run too far from God or fallen too far from His grace. How could He receive me as His own after all I'd done? My friend texted me a verse to look up. There in my dorm room, I read aloud 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!" I cried with relief and joy and I knew I wanted to follow Jesus.

Little did I know the girls who started the flag football team were part of a Campus Ministry called Campus Outreach. They started the team with the hope and prayers of meeting someone just like me to share the gospel with. God used an ordinary flag football team as a vessel for ushering the truth of the gospel into my heart through the relationships I'd formed with my teammates. As a response, I grew hungry for God's Word and discipleship and I invested my college years in the local church and college ministry. I graduated and went on to study Biblical Counseling for two years to deepen my understanding of God. As years have passed, I have grown a deep love for the local church, discipleship, and the mission of the gospel. Though I am flawed and still learning, my life is hidden in the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is my purpose and my prize. I never knew joining that flag football team would change my life forever.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news to a world of broken and searching people. Sometimes it seems challenging to meet people where they are and build trusting relationships to create evangelistic opportunities. But the beauty of sports is that it provides common ground and a universal language. It can break down barriers of ethnic, social, and economic lines to unite people on a team. It provides a unique opportunity to level the playing field and share the truth of the gospel. Through those very means, God changed my life, and He is changing lives all over the world through sports, recreation, and fitness ministry.

Losing Things and Finding Encouragement

Written By Bob Schindler, Chief Operating Officer of CEDE SPORTS

Losing Things

I lost my iPad last week.I was upset for several reasons. First, I like my iPad. I have had it for a long time. I use it primarily for speaking and for reading. I don’t use it every day but, I probably use it at least weekly. It isn’t a critical tool but one I like using.Second, I was upset because I couldn’t imagine replacing it. Since it was not a critical tool, it felt like a luxury that didn’t demand or need to be replaced. My loss felt permanent.  Third, I hate to lose things. I hate it because it exposes my inability to perfectly manage life. I don’t think I purposefully set it somewhere and forgot where.  I probably set it down when I was in a hurry and wasn’t paying full attention. In either case, it points out my failure, something I don’t readily enjoy having highlighted.  This type of event usually sets me into super analytical mode, trying to figure out where I lost it and why, trying to overcome my failure by my efforts, all the time thinking I would turn around at some point and there it would be. In my scrambling, I was about to call one of my friends who was with me the last time I remembered using it to see if they had any ideas.

Finding Encouragement

This morning while on a Zoom call, I looked up in my bookcase and there it was. My iPad was on top of some books and high enough that I didn’t make it out at first. I was relieved and grateful.  Earlier in the morning, I prayed that God would encourage me today. I immediately connected the two – finding my iPad and my prayer. You may not agree but this was God’s encouragement to me. That is why I felt grateful.  It doesn’t always work this way. Three weeks ago, I lost my sunglasses (I know, there is a trend here but hold off on the age jokes!!!!). I felt weaker and more fragile with this loss. This loss, along with the losses I have walked with others with lately, caused me to pray for that encouragement.  It may be coincidence and nothing to do with God. Then again, it may just be the tender hand of a loving Father who saw his son downcast and needing a touch of love. I chose to believe the second.   

Overcoming Discouragement

Are you discouraged?  Often fight discouragement?This past week I spoke with two ministry leaders who were in very different ministry contexts with very different recent circumstances.  However, both were discouraged.As I talked with them, what became clear to me is that even though their situations were very different, the reason they were discouraged was very similar. 

They both lost sight of their progress.

 To show you what I mean, let me use one of those conversations.  . This leader told me some of what had been going on in the last couple of months:

  • He envisioned a particular project for his church and delegated it another leader who carried it out very effectively. This leader confessed, “This is the first time I have ever done this successfully.” 

  • The success of the initiatives around this project impacted several aspects of the church – women’s ministry, youth ministry, and men’s ministry.

  • Several people, whom they had invested in for some time, made decisions to embrace the gospel and its Hero, Jesus, whom they are following up now.

 After he reviewed these items, he said, “My team is smoked and I am tired and disheartened.” As we talked further, he came up with this powerful and poignant image.  “I feel like I have given my all to climb this far up the mountain and make it to this ledge.  Feeling exhausted and somewhat satisfied, I looked up and I still had so far to go.  Totally discouraged me.” After validating his discouragement and how far he had to go, I asked him to reorient his perspective. 

“It isn’t time yet to look ahead.  Right now, you need to look back.” 

 I went back over the progress of the last couple of months with some additional words to weave this into a compelling story of all that God had done.  I wept as I recalled it to him (For those of you who know me, I know that is no surprise!). It was such a beautiful picture of the awesome works God had done. 

It was time to celebrate that progress!

 We went over Psalm 145:3-7 and discussed the call there to talk about the great works of God, to meditate on those that we hear from others, and finally to celebrate the goodness of God.  To not do so would keep others from joining that celebration and rob God of the glory of his greatness he deserves. So, we did just that.  We “sat on that ledge” together and looked back.  I went back over how far they had come in those several months and asked him, “If I would have told you a few months ago that this would all happen in the next several months, how would you have felt back then?”  He responded, “Ecstatic!” “Well then, let’s be ecstatic now.  Don’t look ahead.  Look back.  Take the next week and celebrate with God.  Tell your team of these works and encourage them to think about them and then tell you what else they see.” 

His heart got lighter and lighter as he changed his perspective –

from looking ahead to looking back.

 There would be a time to start looking ahead and addressing the challenges there.  But not yet.  Celebrating God’s goodness is designed to energize us for those challenges. However, like these two ministry leaders, most of us don’t seem to do a good job of celebrating God’s goodness.  We forget the progress in our frantic pace.  We get mired in the challenges and pain of the past.  We may focus on the future out of fear of getting caught up in that past.  Or we celebrate our “goodness” rather than God’s. Any of these keep us from being energized by celebrating the greatness of God’s works and his goodness in including us in them. My advice – the next time you get discouraged, sit "on the ledge" with our Hero and look back and remember.  Think back to where you used to be.  Do this with Jesus and some good friends.  If you can't look back to that place because of the "clouds" blocking your view, ask God to clear away the clouds.  Ask others to tell you what they see.  However you get there, remember where you used to be and put that perspective with where you are now.  See how far God has brought you.  Celebrate his goodness in giving you such progress.  It will energize you for the journey ahead, no matter how daunting it may appear.

When To Involve Others In Decisions

Written By Bob Schindler, Chief Operating Officer of CEDE SPORTS

When Do You Involve Others in Decisions?

“I am thinking about whether to offer basketball this year to 3rd and 4th graders.”In a recent conversation with a sports, rec, and fitness leader, she told me that the person in charge of sports had resigned somewhat unexpectedly. This resignation left the leader understaffed, wondering how to handle the approaching seasons with the limited capacity.  We talked through several of the ideas she had for dealing with the dilemma when she said this statement, “I am thinking about whether to offer basketball this year to 3rd & 4th graders.” She explained her reasoning and concerns about cutting these grades. I was impressed with how hard and well she had worked through this idea.  

Why ask others?

The conversation turned to asking others for input.  We addressed the why first. I outlined the following reasons 

  • Involving others helps the leader by generating additional solutions that weren’t previously on the table. 

  • Involving others helps the leader to anticipate objections and deal with those objections to that decision as it is communicated more broadly.  

  • Involving others helps the leader gain cooperation with the change being made

Thinking Through It

Fleshing out those reasons, I suggested she get some input from her staff and some key parents involved in the league, especially those with 3rd and 4th graders.  As we talked further, she asked“How do you know when to involve others in a decision?”I thought it was a great question but immediately acknowledged the fact that there is no cut and dry way to answer that question or an easy extreme of always or never to run to. I suggested the following questions to help move toward an answer:

  • Is there time to get others involved?  The timing of some decisions preclude the opportunity to get others’ input.  

  • What is the level of impact of the decision on others?  Different decisions have different impact.  Changing the furniture in a Family Life Center has less of an impact than whether to have 3rd  and 4th grade basketball.

  • How important is the cooperation of those impacted by the decision?  In the case of whether to do basketball or not, because of the impact on existing staff and parents and the importance of their cooperation, I recommended the leader talk to both groups or representatives of both – particularly the parents.  Generally, the greater the input into a decision, the greater the cooperation.

  • Are the reasons for and the principles surrounding the decision clear and articulated?  If you aren’t clear on those reasons and principles and you ask someone, “Should we have basketball for 3rd and 4th graders this season?” they are left to answer out of sheer preference.  If you have those outlined, this provides a great preface to the consideration of the decision at hand.  “Because we are short staffed and need to keep things simple and not overtax our staff, we are wondering whether to do basketball for 3rd and 4th graders this season.  What do you think?”

What do you think?

These are some suggestions. I am sure there are many others. The value of additional input seems clearer than when to involve others.  How do you know when to include others in decisions?